A bit about how I work

As we create our sense of self in our early years; parents; caregivers; society; and the environment rewards certain expressions of self and ignores/punishes others. We are literally dependent on our caregivers for our survival. So we adapt. Emphasize the parts that are reinforced and hide the parts that are disapproved of. This causes the personality to fracture. But the suppressed, rejected, and disowned parts of us do not go away. These parts go into the unconscious.

These split structures are further damaged when traumatic events occur. The fractured psyche is inadequate to handle the intense stressors. It further fractures and attempts to encapsulate the overwhelming experiences. This is the root cause of many symptoms and problems — personally, in relationships, in careers, and physically.

The psyche has a natural tendency to return to wholeness. These shadow parts are always trying to reunite within us. The wounds are trying to release their stuck energies. Healing consists of supporting the natural healing processes.

     In my work I use a variety of modalities to assist these natural healing processes. Finding, understanding, and accepting the disowned parts reintegrates them. Accessing, safely experiencing, and completing traumatic events releases them.

Let me know if you want to talk further about how I might assist you.


George Peterson Ph.D.